ATRT: Practice Pavillion

You'll first be asked to set a goal. You can leave it as the default and [Enter] or click on [OK].

Standard lesson

You'll have to complete 7 lines...

When you complete a line, it'll show your errors in red. If you don't have many errors, go to [Next Line], otherwise [Redo Line] until your accuracy is better.

When you've completed all the lines, go to the top left and Results>Open Results...

When the results open, if your accuracy is decent, you can go back to Campus; otherwise, Redo Drill.


If your class is set to games, you'll see this when you open...

Type the words you see and [Space Bar] to accept the word. If it's right, it'll disappear; otherwise try again.

When you're done, go to Results>Open Results...

Then see how your results are... and go back to Campus.